Emotional Wellbeing is the Biggest Predictor of Future Happiness.
Invest in yourself and take one of these 3 steps NOW!

Connecting Patients, Providers and Community in Breast Cancer Care
Providing hope and a path toward thriving

Sharing community resources to meet your individualized needs.

Providing support through shared experiences or cuddly bears.

Empowering you to pursue your best life in key areas.

Reminding you that through obstacles come opportunities!

Our Mission
is to reduce the fear and anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace it with hope and a path toward thriving. You can help by making a small donation right now.

breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

five-year relative survival rate for women with breast cancer Thanks to new treatments and early detection.
I never thought I would get breast cancer at 28 years old. It wasn’t even on my radar. I was so glad when my nurse provided me the card for Faith Through Fire. They have helped me so much and if I have to go through this, I feel better knowing they are there.
Jen K.
, Patient
The day I came home from surgery there was a card waiting from my Faith Through Fire mentor wishing me a speedy recovery and encouraging me. It gave me such a lift and I knew I could do this and that they were rooting for me- I love Faith Through Fire!
Nora W.
, Patient
Being diagnosed with cancer is so overwhelming. You have to make a lot of decisions very quickly and its very emotional. My mentor at Faith Through Fire was awesome. She was always available and could comfort me in a way that only someone who knows what this is like can.
Jesse M.
, Patient
Latest Podcast Episode- Released the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month

Download 3 Keys to Thriving After Breast Cancer
The transition to life after a breast cancer diagnosis is a journey marked by a wide spectrum of emotions, challenges, and uncertainties. Whether you’ve completed active treatment and live with